Saturday, October 12, 2013

Let's keep it all clean!

A Picture from The Jakarta Globe on Facebook shows about polluted and dirty condition of Bali, the island of Gods, Indonesia.

In some cases like this, people are usually saying that it is caused by the government's disability in managing the wastes, or it is caused by the lack of environmental awareness within our society, so the sanitary condition in Indonesia is not in a good level.

Indeed, those are the major factors that cause these sanitary issues, but I think it is a kind of useless to keep pointing out to others while we are doing nothing.

I have started some little changes on myself regarding to these issues, like refusing plastic bags when I buy only a few small items or when I buy something that I'm going to use immediately, throwing organic and unorganic wastes at their places, or keeping my candy wrap in my pocket when I can't find any public trash can, and that is why sometimes I can find candy wraps and their friends in my pocket when I want to do my laundry. ^^v

Those steps might sound useless or insignificant, but what i keep in my mind is, if hundreds or thousands people do the same things or even better, sure it will give a big impact to our environment.

So, let's keep it all clean!

Cute Babies, I want mine!

A few weeks ago I had a little chit chat with two friends of mine who I had not caught up for months.

The first one was my childhood friend, three years older than me, she was the one whom I spent my childhood adventure with, from climbing trees to climbing our roof. She currently lives in Yogyakarta with his husband. The second one was my partner when I was interning in a Public Relations agency, she diforced with her first husband, has 2 cute daughters, and a few months ago she was married to a guy from our office.
So from my chit chat with those two friends of mine, I heard that they are now pregnant and wating for their new babies. I am very happy for them, and that news, unexpectedly, led me to craving for a baby. Sounds freak, huh? Yeah, I think so. But let me explain.

My litttle brother
Recently i always spend my free time in front of computer while browsing some hot issues and videos on youtube. By chance, i found a video of baby Charlotte who said "no, no, no" on youtube, then I clicked more related videos, stuck for hours in those kind of videos, and became addicted in watching those cute little babies, until now. Basically i really like babies, especially the boys who have just learned to say their first words, and fortunaltely I also have a 3 years old litlle brother in Lampung and have not been seeing him for 2 months. Missing my little brother and loving to see cute babies, maybe those are the reason why I react a bit too much everytime I see or hear something related to babies.

Cute babies, i want mine too!
I realize that it is very sick, how come a soon be 21 years old girl, without boyfriend moreover husband, craving for her own baby? Well, maybe I am. This baby fever makes me really think about mine. By mine I mean my turn to have one. When or how would it be? Would I be a good wife and mother? Would it feel as amazing as when i watched those baby videos on youtube or when I heard those stories about babies?
Well we'll see..

Anyway this is the baby charolette video that led me to another cute little baby videos.

Here are some pictures of my little brother when he was 1 or 2 years old.